Check out the benefits page to learn more.
Hello everyone! We have been bad dogs!! 🙁 We have picked up a bug with the latest health tip that was uploaded today. We will rectify shortly and ensure that all members that logged the activity will be allocated their points. We are so sorry.
Check out the link to download the Yapper PWA to your device –
We have started to unlock our benefits from our Paw Partners.
Check out to see what benefits you qualify for as a Yapper member.
Hello Team Yapper.
Just to bring you up to speed on how the daily activities now work since our update.
The button no longer greys out when you have completed the task.
This allows you to log as many activities as you want, but you will only earn a maximum of 100 points per day for daily activity and 50 points per day for daily feeds.
We have added an activity history button onto your dashboard so that you can see how many activities have been logged and the points you have been given.
We have done this for some exciting future builds and challenges coming to the platform.
Chat soon!
We’ve set up the InBarks so that we can chat to you when ever we have fun or exciting news!